Backup GroDurian GroGo Groconut GroPalm GroPine Backup GroDurian GroGo Groconut GroPalm GroPine Deep-Root Plant

Research & Development

This unique formula of GroYield was invented and designed for natural rubber tree. There was no complaint ever received from users after successful distribution of product to rubber estates around Southeast Asia for a decade.

Numerous testimonials have been constantly given by our users including smallholders, private estates and government link companies.

Lead by Mr. Hafiz Hanifa, head of R&D, the company has been conducting various research and development activities to exploit new product lines. Multiple in-house effectivity tests have been carried out on deep rooted plants such as coconut, durian, palm, pine and etc. Astounding results has been shown such as richer fruit flavor, better yield and less disease, results from the overall health of trees are improved after using GroYield.